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Guide to Audible Startup Attraction Incentives

Newark is smart. Newark is innovative. Newark is inclusive. Audible, the world’s leading creator and provider of premium audio storytelling, moved its headquarters to Newark in 2007 to be part of the comeback of a great American city. To encourage the city’s revitalization, Audible offers several incentive programs to attract small businesses to Newark. Learn more and join Audible in shaping Newark’s next chapter, and take your startup to the next level in the heart of the most dynamic metropolitan area in the U.S.

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What you will get from this guide

Innovation Ecosystem Opportunity

What Newark’s innovation ecosystem offers businesses, and how Audible is making strategic investments to attract businesses to be a part of Newark’s burgeoning story.

Robust Talent Network

How Newark’s top talent is meeting industry demand and fueling the talent pipeline with help from local universities offering significant industry partnership opportunities.

Location Accessibility

Why location access is imperative for startups, and how Newark’s strategic east coast location is one of the most connected metropolitan areas in the United States.